Saturday, February 5, 2011

Author: Glenford J. Myers.
Editors: Corey Sandler, Tom Badgett & Todd M. Thomas.

Practical, up-to-date tactics and techniques for successful, efficient testing:

* Basic testing principles and strategies
* Program inspections and walkthroughs
* Code inspections
* Error checklists
* Peer ratings
* Black- and white-box testing
* Error guessing
* Top-down vs. bottom-up testing
* Higher-order testing
* Function and system testing
* Acceptance testing
* Installation testing
* Module (unit) testing
* Test planning and control
* Independent testing agencies
* Debugging principles
* Error analysis
* Extreme Testing
* Testing Internet applications
* Higher-order testing of e-commerce architectures

The Art Of Sofware Testing 2Ed.pdf

1 comment:

  1. I want to do a Software Testing Course but confused about the institute.Could anyone tell me which is the institute which imparts good training & job placement or if anyone can tell me any other institute.STC Technologies
