Saturday, February 5, 2011

Software Performance Testing Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Author: Ramya Ramalinga Moorthy.

The main objective of compiling this material is to help beginners to quickly march forward into Performance Testing and also to enrich the knowledge for intermediate level performance testers. This is a performance test tool agnostic material, though few test tools are cited for understanding at few places within this material. The audiences are requested to note that all the information provided in this material is more related to web application performance testing.


Introduction to software testing by Paul Ammann

Author: Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt.

Extensively class tested, this text takes an innovative approach to explaining the process of software testing: it defines testing as the process of applying a few well-defined, general-purpose test criteria to a structure or model of the software. The structure of the text directly reflects the pedagogical approach and incorporates the latest innovations in testing, including techniques to test modern types of software such as Object Oriented, Web applications, and Embedded software.

Introduction to Software Testing by PaulAmmann
Author: Unknown.

Use the Guide to the CSTE Common Body of Knowledge as a tool to assist in reviewing the knowledge and skills necessary to apply for the Certified Software Tester designation. The exam assumes that you already have a broad knowledge of information technology and work experience in quality management. The materials selected for the prep guide are topics that QAI believes would be helpful in studying for the designation. A CSTE is expected to not only possess the skills required to pass the examination, but also to be a change agent within their organization and have the ability to act in an advisory position to upper management. In this role they will be expected to ensure that best practices in software testing are identified, implemented, and continually improved within the organization.

certified software testing exam paper
Author: Glenford J. Myers.
Editors: Corey Sandler, Tom Badgett & Todd M. Thomas.

Practical, up-to-date tactics and techniques for successful, efficient testing:

* Basic testing principles and strategies
* Program inspections and walkthroughs
* Code inspections
* Error checklists
* Peer ratings
* Black- and white-box testing
* Error guessing
* Top-down vs. bottom-up testing
* Higher-order testing
* Function and system testing
* Acceptance testing
* Installation testing
* Module (unit) testing
* Test planning and control
* Independent testing agencies
* Debugging principles
* Error analysis
* Extreme Testing
* Testing Internet applications
* Higher-order testing of e-commerce architectures

The Art Of Sofware Testing 2Ed.pdf

Sunday, January 23, 2011

teach your self borland c in 14 days

pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Editon


teach your self tcp ip in 14 days pdf

Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days, Second
The second edition of Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days expands on the very popular first
edition, bringing the information up-to-date and adding new topics to complete the
coverage of TCP/IP. The book has been reorganized to make reading and learning easier,
as well as to provide a more logical approach to the subject.
New material in this edition deals with installing, configuring, and testing a TCP/IP
network of servers and clients. You will see how to easily set up UNIX, Linux, and
Windows NT servers for all popular TCP/IP services, including Telnet, FTP, DNS, NIS,
and NFS. On the client side, you will see how to set up DOS, Windows, Windows 95, and
WinSock to interact with a server. Examples and tips throughout these sections make
the process easy and clear.
Also added in this edition of Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days are new sections on DNS,
NFS, and NIS. These network services have become popular with the growth of large
TCP/IP networks, so we show you how to configure and use them all. A new section on
the latest version of IP updates the treatment of the base protocols to 1996 standards.


Programming in C


Expert c Programming
